Better Data Means Better Outcomes

Health data management can be chaotic.

ResolveHD solves this problem with smart solutions to better manage vast amounts of data simply and accurately.

We securely automate the ingestion, enrichment, and organization of vast amounts of unstructured health data, enabling and accelerating the digitization of health care.

Unlock the potential of your data.

Introducing ResAI

Powerful, Secure and User-friendly Data Solution

ResAI enables you to unlock valuable health and operations insights currently trapped in your data.

ResolveHD’s ResAI is an AI-powered software that uses Natural Language Processing to unlock the potential of health data by automatically understanding and capturing unstructured health data – things like handwritten forms, faxes, and PDFs, as well as digital records.

It enriches the data, ensures it is accurate and conforms to FHIR and other data standards, and securely integrates it with Electronic Healthcare Records and other data management systems.

Safe and Secure

ResAI ensures the highest level of security for all processed data, meeting rigorous compliance standards. With end-to-end encryption and continuous monitoring, patient data is protected at every step, ensuring privacy and compliance with healthcare regulations.

System Agnostic

ResAI is system agnostic. It operates with most major information systems, Electronic Health Records, and even smaller proprietary systems.

User Friendly

ResAI is both powerful and user-friendly. It integrates seamlessly with existing systems, requiring minimal training. Your team can be up and running quickly without the need for extensive onboarding processes or disruptions to existing workflows.

Smart Search

ResAI revolutionizes data retrieval with its advanced summary and search capabilities, allowing healthcare providers to access the exact information they need instantly. This 'smart search' feature supports clinical decision-making by enabling quick navigation through vast amounts of digital records, saving time, and enhancing patient care efficiency.

Public Health

ResAI empowers public health initiatives by providing advanced analytics and disease prediction tools that leverage aggregated data. This enables health organizations to proactively manage public health challenges and allocate resources more effectively, ultimately leading to more informed health policies and better health outcomes.

Accelerate and De-risk Digitization

ResAI acerates and de-risks health data digitization. Our experts work closely with your team to understand and structure your health data needs, ensuring that ResAI is optimally configured to streamline operations and maximize the efficiency of your data management processes.

Find out how ResAI Can Unlock Your Health Data

Contact Us

Want to unlock the health and operational insights trapped in your data? Contact us to learn more about how ResolveHD can help.